Tuesday 8 March 2011

Day 171 Jordan 8/3/2011, Olive Branch Resort near Jerash. Rain, high winds and some bike maintenance.

The weather pretty much stopped play this morning. We had been planning on leaving for Madaba, but the idea of 80km in the awful weather with me still recovering, didn't seem like a good one. The decision to stay wrapped up in the tent was easily made.

Instead we availed ourselves of the use of the resorts table tennis table and the free WiFi. I even managed to get a bit of bike maintenance done, namely swapping the tyres over, cleaning my bike and resetting the brakes.

We are definitely leaving tomorrow, although we have been forewarned of snow, which is nice! The fact that we are currently quite high up doesn't help and it looks like we won't be descending for any distance for a while. If the weather gets worse we may have to reconsider our route.

Oh well, we will keep you all posted when we get to Madaba, which will hopefully be tomorrow.

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